Do not get your car loan no matter whether it is new or second-hand irrespective of the brand, without visiting Akbank!

Regardless of the brand and type of the car in your mind, your car loan is from Akbank! Decide which car you want, and we will make available the Car Loan you need.

You do not have to push the limits of your budget to own a car! Visit Akbank for a car loan and get your loan easily for your new car. Do not postpone your dreams anymore!

* For the passenger cars:

With a final invoice amount exceeding 100.000TL, this rate is applied as 70% for the portion of the amount up to 100.000TL and as 50% for the portion of the amount above 100.000TL.
With a final invoice amount below 100.000TL, this rate is applied as 70%.


  • The customer must be older than 18 and must not have any adversities in terms of risk and security intelligence.
  • The income must be documented.
  • Any installment of the loan must not exceed 50% of the average monthly income of the household.
  • A credit life insurance policy is taken out.
  • A car insurance policy is mandatory (At the end of its term, the insurance policy is renewed automatically throughout the term of the loan).
  • A personal accident insurance policy is mandatory for real persons.
  • The car purchased will be pledged.

* The conditions and required documents may differ for each customer.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I apply for a car loan?

You can apply for a car loan at our branches, via our website or via Akbank Loan Online system in the contracted car dealers.

Do you offer flexible payment schedule options for Akbank car loans?

We can offer flexible payment schedules based on customer credibility and car brand for the loans for new cars. You can get detailed information about flexible payment schedules from our branches.

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