Learn more about Portfolio Ideas

To hedge the risks of volatile market conditions!

It's really easy to manage your investments!

We are presenting you easily applicable "Portfolio Ideas" where your asset distribution is updated parallel to market conditions, which eliminates the burden to track your investments continuously.

Portfolio ideas, is enabling Akbank customers to make use of professional investment processes and extensive financial models while managing their investments.​​​

With Portfolio Ideas you can shape your savings in "3 steps"!

1-Assess Your Investor Profile!
What is your investor type? How much should you invest in which investment tools?
From Akbank Direkt Internet Branch or any Akbank Branch you can assess​ your investor profile.

2-With "Portfolio Ideas" do the asset distribution "automatically" which matches your investor profile.
You can create the asset distribution that is suitable for you with a single action.

3-Your savings will be updated and managed parallel to changing market conditions.
Depending on the market conditions, your asset distribution will be updated in the beginning of every month by Ak Asset Management's experts.


How are the Portfolio Ideas identified?

Portfolio Ideas are prepared exclusively for Akbank customers by Ak Asset Management who has a huge experience and expertise in investment and pension funds, and private portfolio management.

The investment strategies in Portfolio Ideas rely on investment and asset allocation committees, and detailed financial models which are prepared periodically every month by Ak Asset Management's expert investment teams.

    Keep in mind that;

  • Ak Asset Management advices to consider your investment in Portfolio Ideas for at least 6 months - 1 year.
  • Your Investor Profile must be assessed correctly.

To shape your investments with Portfolio Ideas without losing any time you can visit Akbank branches or log in to Akbank Direkt Internet .